Bobbi Kristina Brown Headshot 2 – 2-3

UPDATE: Bobbi Kristina Brown’s Autopsy Results Are In

A preliminary autopsy performed on Bobbi Kristina Brown has revealed that there were no signs of foul play in her death. According to documents obtained by TMZ from the Fulton County Medical Examiner, the autopsy shows “no obvious underlying cause of death” and “no significant injuries.“ It also notes that there were no previously unknown medical conditions that could have caused Bobbi Kristina to fall unconscious in the bathtub. Despite the lack of evidence, the Medical Examiner has allegedly subpoenaed Bobbi Kristina’s hospital records to determine if drug testing after the accident is relevant and will determine the final, official cause of death after reviewing those records…

Meanwhile, also from TMZ comes this:  Bobbi Kristina had a history of falling asleep drunk in bathtubs! Sources say that boyfriend Nick Gordon’s attorney knows about this history, and will try to use it to prove to criminal investigators that Gordon wasn’t involved in Bobbi’s death…


Bobbi Kristina — Autopsy Shows No Evidence of Foul Play | :

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