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Ted Cruz: I Once Watched Porn With a Supreme!

In an excerpt from his new memoir that was published by Politico earlier this week, presidential candidate and current U.S. Senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, reveals that he once watched porn with former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor! Cruz was a clerk for Chief Justice William Rehnquist at the time, and he and O’Connor were part of a group that had gathered to see how easy it was to access porn on the Internet. “Here I was, a 26-year-old man looking at explicit porn with Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, who was standing alongside the colleague (my boss) she had once dated in law school,“ Cruz writes. “As we watched these graphic pictures fill our screens, wide-eyed, no one said a word. Except for Justice O’Connor, who lowered her head, squinted slightly, and muttered, ‘Oh, my.’”



From Doubles Tennis to Internet Porn: My Year as a Supreme Court Clerk – Ted Cruz – POLITICO Magazine:


Total Frat Move | Ted Cruz Once Watched Porn With Sandra Day O’Connor:

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