Sam Smith Album Cover – 5-8

FOLLOW UP: Sam Smith’s Vocal Cords Just Fine

Sam Smith made a smooth debut at the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland just the other day, proving that he’s made a fantastic recovery after hemorrhaging his vocal cords earlier this year. “Three months ago I had surgery on my vocal cords,“ Smith told the crowd at the intimate Montreux Jazz Lab, which marked his first-ever appearance at the festival. “To be able to do a gig in a tiny venue is incredible. I prefer this to anything…I’ll be back next year.“ The performance was one of Smith’s first since surgery; then, over this past weekend, he played a gig at Thetford Forest in the UK…



Sam Smith makes smooth debut at Montreux jazz festival| Reuters:


Sam Smith Overcomes His Fears To Thrill Fans In Montreux:

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