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Your Quick & Simple Review: “Avengers: Infinity War”

It’s taken 10 years to get here as Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk and the rest of the Avengers have reunited to battle the evil Thanos.  As he collects all six Infinity Stones, Thanos plans to use them to inflict his twisted will on reality. The fate of Earth and half of all existence in the universe will be doomed if the Avengers can’t find a way to stop him.

Marvel fans have waited a long time for this and it was well worth the wait.  Picking up where “Thor: Ragnarok” leaves off, and I don’t just mean the story itself, the Russo Brothers have created an action packed 2 hour and 40 minute spectacular.  What was most impressive, for me, is even with all the hero’s that they needed to include in this story it didn’t feel too crowed.   Personally, after most scenes, I wanted more before they moved on to the next.

Now as you would expect, there are plenty of fun and funny moments through out.  There are also some really great surprises, that I wish I could tell you about, but I hate spoilers.  So with that the only thing I will let you know… There is only one secret scene, at the very end of the credits.  I’m not a big Marvel fan but that scene had me smiling from ear to ear.

This weekend, make sure you gather the troops or whom ever you can find, hell go all by your lonesome if you have to but go see this one.  Avengers: Infinity War is A Must See Movie.

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