George W Bush Official Presidential Portrait – 8-6

“W” Gets The Call for Jury Duty

George W. Bush did his patriotic duty in Texas yesterday when he showed up for jury duty at a courthouse in downtown Dallas. The 43rd President of the United States reportedly caused quite a stir among his fellow jurors, several of whom posed for pictures with the ex-Commander in Chief. “He was very personable, very friendly, just, ’Hey, I’m here to serve,’“ said fellow juror Sheri Coleman. “He asked questions and was very nice. I loved it.“ Judge Eric Moye added, “It would be great if everyone took their jury service the same way [Bush] did. He understood it was important [and] he took it in good nature…“


George W. Bush Had Jury Duty:

George W. Bush causes a stir at George Allen courthouse when called for jury duty | | Dallas Morning News:

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