Poop Emoji – 7-30

Rio Olympians In Deep Poop – Literally

Breaking News from the AP – Triathletes and rowers who will competitively immerse themselves in bodies of water in and near Rio de Janeiro during next summer’s Olympic Games will be exposing themselves to toxic levels of human feces. It seems that Brazil’s waterways are so polluted that they’ve been shown to contain–wait for it–1.7 million times the level of disease-causing viruses than what would be considered hazardous on U.S. beaches. Upon analyzing samples taken by the AP, a prominent American marine biologist observed, “What you have there is basically raw sewage. It’s all the water from the toilets and the showers and whatever people put down their sinks, all mixed up, and it’s going out into the beach waters“…


AP Investigation: Olympic teams to swim, boat in Rio’s filth: http://bigstory.ap.org/article/d92f6af5121f49d982601a657d745e95/ap-investigation-rios-olympic-water-rife-sewage-virus

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