Wad of Hundreds – 12-19

Judge to Time Warner: Pay Up!

Even in the cellphone age, robocalls persist–and they’ve made Araceli King of Irving, Texas, a whole lot richer. Yesterday, a New York judge ordered Time Warner Cable to pay $229,500 to King after bombarding her with 153 robocalls over the past few years. The judge found that Time Warner violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991, and noted that the company called King 74 times even after she’d filed her lawsuit in hopes of getting them to stop. “Millions of U.S. consumers get robocalls,“ said King’s attorney. “Only a few of them take it a step forward and get a lawyer“..



Judge awards nearly $230,000 to woman who got 153 robocalls: http://bigstory.ap.org/article/9b82abd63cdf4f688bc2dc02f5cebde8/judge-awards-nearly-230000-woman-who-got-153-robocalls

Time Warner Cable owes $229,500 to woman it would not stop calling| Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/07/07/us-twc-robocalls-idUSKCN0PH2H920150707

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