
In Movie Theaters This Weekend


Written and directed by Jonah Hill, this is a nice little flashback film to when we were all back at that age of trying to discover ourselves.  In this case, it’s 13-year-old Stevie’s story.   As he attempts to break away from his not so pleasant home life, he meets a group of skaters that befriend him and introduce him to a whole new world.

There’s a great young cast in this one.  With an exceptional performance, in his supporting role, by Na-kel Smith, as Ray.  Who becomes a sort of mentor to Stevie.

It’s a simple and short(ish) movie that I think moviegoers are gonna really like.

Hunter Killer

Submarine Captain Joe Glass (Gerald Butler) and his crew are sent on a mission to hunt for a U.S. sub that has gone missing.  Only to learn that the Russians are in the middle of coup.  They’re sent in to rescue the kidnapped Russian President and save the world from World War III.

Although it wasn’t the greatest of military movies, it actually ended up being an entertaining one.  Except for a small slow point around the middle of the film, Hunter Killer was really intense and action-packed.

It should do the trick for fans that like a good action/adventure movie.

Can You Ever Forgive Me?

When author Lee Israel (Melissa McCarthy) comes upon hard times, because she cannot get any of her work published, she turns to the art of deception to make money.  With the help of her criminal best friend, Jack (Richard E. Grant), Lee starts selling forged letters that she claims have been written by deceased celebrities.

I wasn’t expecting too much from this one, mostly because Melissa’s last couple of films really missed the mark.  But “Can You Ever Forgive Me?” seemed to be a much different kind of film for her, so I gave it a chance… And I’m Glad I did.

The story itself fascinating.  Melissa, for her part, was very good, however, the biggest surprise of this film happened to be Richard E. Grant as the best friend.  I don’t think just anyone could pull off the role of a sophisticated junkie, but he did and did it well.  His performance alone is worth the price of admission.

Johnny English Strikes Again

When a cyber attack reveals the identities of all active undercover agents in Britain, Johnny English called out of retirement. As a man with few skills, Johnny English must overcome the challenges of modern technology to make this mission a success.

I’m usually a big fan of stupid humor comedies, but this one lagged on the humor from the get-go.  Which was a big let down, cause I actually liked the first couple films in the series.  Every gag they threw out didn’t even conjure up even a small chuckle.

I don’t usually, ever, tell anyone to not see a movie but I think this James Bond parody character totally stuck out this time.


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